Sunday, 3 September 2006

Work & Motor Skills

Life goes on, Marika is adjusting to being a working mum, and I’m slowly adjusting to my daddy day care role with work on the side. My first two weeks were successful with looking after little Bella however I can’t say the same for my work, I didn’t do anywhere near enough work, however Bella and I have started to develop a better routine so I’ll be able to have good Bella time and manage to work when she is sleeping, however my work day starts around 7am and finishes usually by 10pm, but you can’t argue with three hour lunches and extended morning and afternoon tea’s.

Bella is developing well, her motor skills seem to be improving every day, I think back to the early days she kept getting whacked in the face by these pudgy white things (aka her own hands), then she realised that she could somewhat control these pudgy white things and use them to slap the bottle out of her mouth when she was done drinking, then she realised the pudgy white things had little individual moving parts and that enabled her to pick things up, Woohoo! Her latest trick with the pudgy white things is to grab your hand (well maybe just a finger) that is holding her bottle and pull it away when she is finished drinking, and she is becoming a strong little tyke. Her other new trick is to take something in one hand then pass it to her other hand, I guess we knew her dexterity was improving after her finger up the nose trick.

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